Real-time Service Monitor

Problems it solves | Video Demonstrations | Key Features


Problems it solves for Service Providers

  • Effort and time required to capture, diagnose and resolve customer issues
    • Having to reproduce issues with your customers to capture the symptom.
    • Difficulty with intermittent problems.
  • Capture disparity (i.e. not able to capture certain traffic).
    • No media available.
    • Difficulty troubleshooting encrypted sessions (SIP/TLS, SRTP, WebRTC)
  • Dispersed troubleshooting tools (capture, search, troubleshoot, share).
    • Difficulty locating relevant traces and call legs.
    • Disorganized and inefficient team collaboration.
  • Existing capturing and troubleshooting solution does not scale well.
    • Can't capture media at high volumes.
    • Can't keep up with high signaling CPS applications.
    • Does not support large volume of sessions.
  • Limitations based on your infrastructure
    • Port mirroring limitations on your switch.
    • Cloud provider doesn't allow port mirroring.
    • No virtualization option available.
    • Requirement to deploy physical probe.



Meet  Real-time Service Monitor

Experience seamless network diagnosis with Real-time Service Monitor - a highly scalable, and user-friendly solution for packet capture and troubleshooting that can be easily deployed to boost your business's performance.

Additional product information.


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